
Oh how I love the weekend

I finally get to enjoy one weekend free from coffee making and dealing with crazy people! The weather in Portland has finally gone from cool to HOT (were talking 100 degrees. oh. my. god.) and back to cool and gorgeously sunny. This morning started out with a walk around the Farmer's Market, where I picked up two tubs of blueberries and one tub of blackberries (hey, I better stock up before they don't appear til next year!) and a gorgeous loaf of bread from Delphina's Bakery in Northeast Portland. It seems like berries have been all over the food blogs- look at Tastespotting for gorgeous foodie pictures and recipes.

I went to the Pearl to enjoy the sun and walk around. Along with a birthday present for a friend, I picked up a beautiful silver glass flower vase from Anthropologie (along with an application-I want a nerdy retail job so bad!)

And finally, discovered an awesome asian-inspired furniture and novelty gift shop called Cargo. It was like a hidden gem of cuteness! I need to get myself back there ASAP.

Just how cool is that exterior? I thought there was some sort of party going on outside...but thats just how it is! Its a huge warehouse filled to the brim with Asian goodies and antiques.
I have my eye on these bar stools (which come in the pea green and light blue color scheme I have for my new apartment). All in all it was a lovely day outdoors in gorgeous Portland. Til next time :)

pictures courtesy Cargo, Flickr.

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